Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cruise Ships at Liverpool

Excellent start of the week in Liverpool as far as Cruise Ships visits is concerned, Sunday registered the call of the MARCO POLO and yesterday was the turn of SAGA PEARL II to visit the city. MARCO POLO's visit coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the TITANIC, several events were organized for that day, the Merseyside Museum opened one hour earlier to welcome passengers of the MARCO POLO for an exclusive tour and a lecture about the exhibition now taking place at the museum "TITANIC THE UNTOLD STORY". Both cruise ships are operated by UK based companies, the MARCO POLO by C.M.V. and the SAGA PEARL II by SAGA CRUISES. For other posts and photos of these two cruise ships please visit my CRUISE SHIPS AND LINERS Blog http://vmf-cruiseshipsandliners.blogspot.com. Photos taken on the 15th and 16th of April 2012

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