Friday, February 3, 2012

LIVERPOOL Wins turnaround Approval for cruise ships

Exciting news today with the confirmation that the city of Liverpool will be able to cater for turnaround voyages for cruise passengers using the Cruise Terminal, a new planning application will be put to build a new Customs and Baggage facility, the first cruise ship likely to depart on a cruise from the new Pier Head Terminal will the "OCEAN COUNTESS" on the 29th of May, amazing news for the cruising Industry and particulary for the city of LIVERPOOL. Read the news in full by clicking the link on post below. Photos included of ships using the Liverpool Cruise Terminal, "VISION OF THE SEAS", "AIDA BLU", "ARCADIA" and "QUEEN MARY 2", the last photo is by Joao Abreu, the "OCEAN COUNTESS" most likely to be the first cruise ship to use the new Terminal Facilities at the Pier Head Terminal, the "COUNTESS" photo was taken at Madeira

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